Sunday, August 19, 2012


It was a beautiful Saturday morning as three of us headed out towards the Adirondacks for a day's hike.  I was reflecting on the hike I had wanted to try, "Trapped Dyke" being a trench in the mountain, softer ground eroded over time that sank, creating a dyke down the mountainside into Avalance Lake.  Many people have hiked it over time and since the Hurrican Irene passed through, there was a new slide opened down Colden, making an somewhat easier passage for a climb through this dyke up to the summit; however, as I hadn't tried it but only read about it, I questioned my choice of whether to try it and continue with my friends. I looked at the dyke and decided to stay with my frends and leave this climb for another time.  In doing so, I enjoyed an array of excellent views of the mountain on the side we came up.  To be continued ...

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